Main Window : Chat

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This is the place where you can chat with another online users.


Network Assistant chat is based on concept of channels. Channel is a virtual "room" with people on that channel. Every person in that "room" sees anything you say on that channel. Channels allow to divide all Nassi users into small groups to chat. Such division helps to support discussions on different subjects. There are four types of chat channels in Network Assistant: general (General), announcer (Announcer), password protected (Password) and private (or person-to-person) channels (Private_).There are seven standard channels: General#Main, General#New, General#Business, General#Problems, General#Office Talks, General#Miscellaneous and Announcer#Announcements. In addition you can start your own channel about anything you like. You can join as many channels at once as you like.


General General channels. General channel is a virtual "room" that is opened for everyone. Anyone who knows general channel name can join to this channel.


Announcer Announcer channels. Announcer channel is a special type of channels: every user of Network Assistant sees anything that any user says on that channel. There is no need to join or leave already existing announcer channel. Announcer channels are useful for broadcast announcements.


Password Password protected channels. These channels are same as general channels except that you can specify channel password (for security reasons). So, to join such channel a user must know channel name AND channel password. Or if you created password protected channel yourself you can include any user into this channel and a user will not know channel password (to do this right click on a user in the Users list and select "Include In Chat Channel..." submenu).


Private_ Private channels (or person-to-person channels) are very useful when you want to talk with only one person, privately and quickly. Private channel has a name, which corresponds to a remote computer name (without "#" symbol at the beginning), and has special icon Private_. When you start a private chat with some remote user this channel is automatically created on the remote side too, so you can start "talk" in that newly created channel immediately after creation.



onestep To join/create a channel switch to the Chat page and select the "Chat | Join Channel..." main menu command (or press [Ctrl + J] keyboard shortcut).

onestep To leave a current channel select the "Chat | Leave Channel" main menu command (or press [Ctrl + F4] keyboard shortcut).

onestep To learn which users joined the current channel type the following chat command: "/here" and press Enter.


When you want to "talk" on the current channel you type into the Chat Phrase window (placed on the bottom of the "Chat" page usually) and press Enter to send a phrase. A separate tab on the "Chat" page represents each channel. The following icons on tabs show channel state:


General - current (active) channel

General2 - inactive channel

When a new chat phrase comes into inactive (invisible) channel its icon starts blinking.


Each channel has its own topic. You can change the topic of the current channel by selecting the "Chat | Change Channel Topic..." main menu command ([Ctrl + T] keyboard shortcut).


Each Network Assistant user has its own chat color. This color represents a user in the chat. You can select your color via "Chat Color" speed button (you can find it on the toolbar).


You can setup messages format of chat strings. To do this open the Setup Format dialog via "Chat | Setup Messages Format" submenu commands.


You can use special chat commands within chat. Click here to learn more.


Russian users of Network Assistant may find the text revert function very useful. It converts selected (or all) Russian symbols into English ones or vice versa and can help you to correct typing errors (for example, when you forget to switch keyboard layout).


Useful notes about chat:

bullet When you typing a phrase you can press [Ctrl + Enter] to do a line feed.

bullet When you have finished typing a phrase you can press [Shift + Enter] to send a phrase and "trayalize" Nassi.


note Note

When you clear the Chat History it is being cleared on your local computer only.



See also:

Main window