Advanced User Info : Processes

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The "Processes" tab provides you with information about processes running on a remote Nassi-enabled computer. In addition to process ID, module name and window title for each process, list of processes indicates currently active process (green arrow).


If you have rights you can terminate a selected process or create a new one on a remote computer. To do this use "Create New Process" (green plus) and "Terminate Process" (red minus) buttons.


important Important

Be very careful when terminating a process. If you terminate an application, the remote user can lose unsaved data. If you end a system service, some part of the remote system may not function properly.


note Notes

Processes view is disabled by default for security reasons. The remote user can enable this view (via the option on the Local Security page of the Setup dialog).
A remote user may enable/disable remote processes control (via the option on the Local Security page of the Setup dialog). This setting is also disabled by default.



See also:

Advanced User Information window